Worship, Prayer, Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals

Lively worship and prayer to suit all styles.

[Remembrance Service]

Worship and Prayer

Services are usually between 60 - 90 minutes long and are suitable for all ages.

  • Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.
    Our Searchers children’s group runs during this service.
  • Morning Worship on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
    An informal mix of modern worship songs, bible teaching with some liturgy, space for prayer ministry and also opportunities to share in the stories of one another’s lives.
  • All Age Worship on the 4th Sunday of the month.
    For this service adults and children meet together in the church to worship God and learn more about him. Typically this will be a more informal service and may involve fun activities such as a dramatised reading, a game or quiz. Some weeks you'll get a free breakfast too!

We hope you will find a warm welcome and stay to join us for refreshments after the service where we love to get to know each other and visitors.

Online Services

Some services are live and/or recorded, and are published on our YouTube Channel.

Recent Service Videos

3rd Sunday in the month at 7pm

Our monthly evening service with a worship band where we take some extra time to worship and pray.

The service lasts for about an hour, with refreshments served afterwards.

Weekday Communion is a quiet and reflective service that takes place at 11:30am on the 3rd Tuesday during term-time.

About half the congregation stay on for Lunch Club which follows immediately after the service.

All are welcome!

[Hands clasped in prayer]
Monday 9:00am at St Mary's
Tuesday - Thursday 8:30am at St Barnabas
Friday 10:00am on Facebook

We meet for no more than 30 minutes where we read scripture and pray together.

Service Sheet


Prayer videos remain available for you to access later via on our YouTube Channel.

Recent Prayer Videos

Life Events

Baptism or Christening is about joining the church.

For 2000 years people have held special services to celebrate new life, both when they become Christians and when they wish to give thanks for their children and commit them to God.

St Barnabas would love to welcome you and your family for a baptism service.

When do Baptisms take place?

Since baptism includes joining the church, we baptise both children and adults in our main 10:00am Sunday Service held on the second Sunday of the month.

What happens at the baptism service?

Baptism is the first step in our journey of faith. So in baptism the child’s parents and godparents or the adult being baptised declare their decision to turn away from wrong doing and turn to Christ. Then with the whole congregation they affirm their faith in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the vicar baptises them by pouring water on their head.

At the end of the service the child or adult is given a lighted candle to remind them to shine like a light in the world and we suggest that you light the candle on the anniversary of the baptism to remind you of the promises you have made.

Is there any preparation needed?

Yes. If you would like your child baptised then the vicar will come to see you in your home. You will watch a 10 minute DVD together and talk our way through the service order.

Your journey of faith

We see baptism as the first step of the journey of faith and so we ask you to come to church regularly. If you have very young children then the most suitable service might be the family service on the first Sunday of the month. When they are at school many children prefer our Searchers (our Sunday School), which is held during the morning service on the other Sundays of the month during term time.

Who can get married at St Barnabas?

You can marry in St Barnabas Church if you can answer Yes to one of the following statements:

  • I was baptised in the parish
  • I prepared for confirmation in the parish
  • My parent or Grandparent was married in the parish
  • I have had my usual place of residence in the parish for at least 6 months
  • My parent has had their usual place of residence in the parish for at least 6 months during my lifetime
  • I have habitually attended public worship at the parish church for at least 6 months
  • My parent has habitually attended public worship at the parish church for at least 6 months during my lifetime

St Barnabas and St Mary's Eversley share a vicar and are part of a united benefice. This means that if you live in St Barnabas parish and would like to be married in St Mary's church that is fine and vice versa.


Banns are an announcement and a legal requirement of your intention to marry and have to be read out on 3 Sundays prior to the wedding in the parishes where each of you lives.

The Banns are read at the 10:00am service in St Barnabas and in St Mary's Church.

If you live in St Barnabas parish and are getting married elsewhere and need your Banns read, please contact:

  • St Barnabas Church
  • 01252 873839

Marriage Preparation

We invite all couples who are being married during the year, to attend a marriage preparation session. This is an opportunity to discuss the Christian aspects of marriage and look at the Marriage Service. We strongly recommend you make every effort to attend as those who have done so in the past have found it very beneficial.


Most couples choose two or three hymns, as well as organ music to be played as the bride enters and as the couple leave the church.


We recommend you organise your own florist to arrange the floral decorations. We do ask and would be grateful if you would leave a pedestal arrangement for our Sunday Services.


We are happy for photographs to be taken once the service is over, at the signing of the Register and subsequently.

If you are planning to video the service, you will need to sign our Permission to Video form, which will cover the need for you to obtain a copyright licence.


A time and date for a rehearsal prior to the wedding will be made, at which the couple together with best man, bridesmaid, parents and a representative of the ushers is usually present. This will help to make you feel at ease on the day and for the service to run smoothly.

A funeral is used to mark the end of a person's life here on earth. Family and friends come together to express grief, give thanks for the life lived, and commend the person into God's keeping.

These can be a small, quiet ceremony at the crematorium or a large occasion in a packed church.

Who can have a funeral at St Barnabas?

Everyone is entitled to a funeral service in their local parish church by their local vicar regardless of whether they attended church or not.

Making Arrangements

Your first point of contact is with the funeral directors and they will help you with all of the arrangements.

Some people find planning the funeral with family and friends helps in their grieving. Perhaps you already know something of what your loved one wanted. You may even have planned the service together some time ago.

The Vicar who will lead the funeral service will meet with you to discuss it. They will help you choose suitable readings, hymns and prayers. If they did not know your loved one well, they will talk with you to build up a picture of the person's life.

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